A Perfect Winter Wardrobe

I know what you are thinking: it is too cold. However, the below-freezing temperatures are a perfect time to “layer up” and show off that winter wardrobe. Today’s outfit of the day does exactly that. A brown and navy Joseph A. Bank gingham button down coalesces perfectly with this Brooks Brothers Red Fleece hunting-inspired sweater. For trousers, I have chosen a simple pair of cuffed Levis 511 slim fit blue jeans. Meanwhile, accessorize your look with a beautiful Caravelle New York watch, some light brown Giorgio Brutini wing-tips, a dark brown Lands’ End Canvas belt, and some Lands End Canvas snowflake-inspired dress socks (tis the season, after all). To finish your wardrobe, bundle up in this cozy yet stylish Brooks Brothers Red Fleece bomber jacket. If you observe the chosen color palate closely, you will see that today’s wardrobe is dominated by earthy tones, yet simultaneously accentuated by the burnt orange Brooks Brothers sweater. Indeed–as long as you balance them with neutral colors–do not be afraid to experiment with bright colors this winter, as they will provide the perfect exclamation mark to your preexisting attire. To view and purchase individual pieces of today’s outfit, please see the links below. And remember… within you there is love. Within you there is beauty. Within you there is art. R. Youell Fashion.









Brooks Brothers Hunting Jacket

Brooks Brothers Hunting Sweater

Giorgio Brutini Shoes

LL Bean Belt

Levis Slim Fit 511 

Ralph Lauren Snowflake Socks (Lands End socks not available)

Caravelle New York Watch

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