Autumn Sounds

With each waking step, autumn leaves crinkle beneath your leather boots. The bright sun shimmers and reflects upon a nearby lake, while the constant and all-encompassing gusts of brisk air rejuvenates and awakens the senses. Continuing along the winding dirt trail, you become enmeshed with the sounds of nature.  To your left, water from a small brook bubbles and rushes downstream. To your right, the burgundy and orange hue of the Blue Ridge Mountains suddenly becomes visible. Directly overhead, you hear the rustling of migrating geese. Fully enmeshed in nature, your mind wanders. Petty worries and concerns cease to exist, while each waking step confirms a new, enlightening, and refreshing perspective on the world. You are no longer a mere human; rather, you are an integral and cherished entity belonging to Mother Nature.

Autumn is here my friends–and as you can tell from my vivid description above, I am oh so happy. The hot and long days of summer have been replaced with crisp evenings and short day. T-shirts and shorts have given way to cardigans and chinos, while the infamous pumpkin spice latte (excuse me, PSL) has taken the place of our beloved iced tea. Clearly, autumn is a time of physical and climatic change. More than that, however, autumn signals a change in musical sounds and styles. No longer do we yearn to hear rhythms, beats, and lyrics synonymous with ocean waves, summer nights, and sun-filled days. Rather, we wish to hear music that parallels falling burgundy and orange leaves, brisk autumn mornings, and the warm evening sun. In order to musically capture such an essence of autumn, we will focus on three specific characteristics of a song:  its change of tempo, overall mood, and pace.

First and most importantly, a song evoking notions of autumn must constantly change tempo. Just as the leaves and temperature changes within the confines of fall, so too must a song’s speed and tempo. Therefore, hip-hop and jazz-infused musicians such as Berner, Felly, and Outkast are perfect genre selections for an autumn day. Similarly, the overall pace of a song must reflect the changes in climate and temperature. Summer music–similar to summer weather–is constant, relatively stagnant, and lacking in quick beats (ex: reggae music). Similarly, autumn-inspired music parallels the gradual climatic change in temperature and environmental appearance. Although lacking a monotonous beat, a song with autumn influence has a rather relaxed and mellow tone that parallels to the nostalgia associated with a gradual changing of the seasons. Examples include Felly’s “Tell Me,” Berner’s “20 Joints,” and Ark Patrol’s “Do You.”  Lastly, a song’s overall mood must match the climatic juxtapositions of fall. Kendrick Lamar’s “I,” Dae Zhen’s “Long Distance,” and even T-Pain’s “Stoicville” are just a few songs that provide a meaningful yet juxtaposed message paralleling the crisp air, bright sun, and shortness of an autumn day.

With these three qualities in mind, I have compiled an eclectic 34-song playlist for your listening pleasure.  Ranging from artists such as Thrupence, to Childish Gambino, and even Arthur Beatrice , this collection of songs is a complex musical mosaic reminiscent of the fall season. Indeed, just as autumn changes both drastically and gradually from beginning to end, so too does this playlist. So… sit back, relax, and take a listen. It is my sincere hope that “Autumn Sounds” reminds you of crinkling burgundy leaves, cracklings of a bonfire, and rushes of brisk air. Thank you, and remember: Within you, there is beauty. Within you, there is art. Within you, there is love.

Until next time,



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