Installation 1: Fall Fashion Guide

Rejoice and behold, gents: Autumn is here, and Coalescence Magazine’s 2014 Fall Fashion Guide is here to help with your every need. This guide will cover the season’s must-have items, brands, and trends, while also providing small tips and words of advice along the way. This first installment, however, will solely focus on the importance of color. Certainly, autumn is a time to combine and play with earthy, neutral tones. Burgundy chinos provide a great juxtaposition to a gray tweed jacket, while cuffed blue jeans contrasts perfectly with a pair of suede chukka boots. However, we all know these color combinations–they are mundane, common, and, well… kind of boring.  To reinvigorate your style and wardrobe, I urge you to play with tones of the same color. Today’s spotlighted wardrobe–comprising of leather Giorgio Brutini wing-tips, dark brown dress socks, Banana Republic chinos, and a simple, cream/pale brown Ralph Lauren crew neck sweater–  takes advantage of the simple yet elegant and autumn-inspired tone of brown that combines to form a fashion tour de force. To pull off the look yourself, be sure to follow these seven steps:

1.) Stay with neutral colors… most notably brown, blue, and gray. Stay away from bright colors such as orange and red, as their tonal variations will clash.

2.) Essentials can contrast, but accessories should not. In other words, make sure your three wardrobe statements–shoes, trousers, and top– are of subtle variation with one another, while your three accessories–belt, watch, and socks–are predominately the same color. That way, the wardrobe will be varied, different, yet cohesive.

3.) Don’t underestimate the importance of socks. I cannot stress this enough: socks are the new watch. They accentuate your entire wardrobe. If you are in fact choosing to wear tones of the same color, make sure your sock tone is distinctly lighter/darker from your shoes and trousers.

4.) Use small amounts of color to embolden the tonal variety. For example, if you are wearing a wardrobe that has tonal varieties of gray, don’t be afraid to wear red (or any other brightly colored) shoelaces. Similarly, today’s collection features a blue/brown belt, as well as a watch with rose gold detailing. These small, subtle amounts of color further emboldens your outfit.

5.) Wear different materials. No one wants to be seen in a Canadian tuxedo (all denim wardrobe from head to toe). Likewise, when wearing a wardrobe of tonal variety, don’t wear materials of the same material/texture. Mix it up. If you are wearing soft, supple navy chinos, go with a thinner button up that has a subtle sheen. The simplest way to achieve such textural variety: wear a sweater. They are thick, have a visible texture, and… well, they keep you warm!

6.) CUFF/ROLL UP THE PANTS. Sorry, that was a little too much, but you get my point. Cuffing the pants is a fantastic way to show your sock (and therefore, your tonal variation). But hey, the look doesn’t work for everyone. Remember, though, you can show your sock in two ways: cuffing and rolling. To cuff pants, fold them along the cuff line twice. This look is much more formal and pristine. For a more rugged look, though, I urge you to roll up the pants. Yeah, they will be wrinkled, but it looks pretty damn sweet.

7.) Wear it with confidence. You know the drill, fellas. If you are going to look like Mr. GQ, you have to act like him too. Head held high, chest out. Be a light of confidence for all to see.

That’s it for now! Be sure to check out the photos for a detailed look at today’s tonal variety wardrobe. As always, if you have any questions or comments, be sure to send them my way. And remember… Be sophisticated. Be you.

Until next time,














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