Summer Playlist Number 1

The windows are down, the sunroof is open, and your Ray-Bans are on. Welcome to paradise, my fellow college students– summer break is among us. For four entire months, there will be no sight of term papers, exams, or even those deathly objects otherwise known as “scantrons.” Welcome to long days, short nights, bonfires with friends and family members, and trips to the beach. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet. Summer also means working as an unpaid intern, applying to graduate school, and completing chores that your parents deem a “necessity” for your future well-being. So, whether you are driving on your way to Washington DC for an important interview, or relaxing around a bonfire with your friends, here is a playlist that is sure to bring some summer into your life. Enjoy the summer vibes!

(P.S.: if you do not have a Soundcloud account just yet, I recommend getting one immediately. In my humble opinion, it is better than Spotify, iTunes, and Pandora combined!)


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